About Me

My photo
Hey there! Call me DJ! I'm from Bismarck, Arkansas and I attend college at Henderson State University. I've been dating my bestfriend since the 9th grade and no, he hasn't proposed. Believe me, I'm waiting impatiently!!! I love to laugh... if you don't have time to laugh, you're to busy. I love cheerleading but I don't cheer at Henderson. Don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite!!!... okay maybe a little.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Pinterest is a very unique way to discover things to use in your classroom. Not only can you post things yourself to Pinterest, but you can find crafts, lessons, and even room designs for your classroom!

Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.


Step 1:Get a yellow, green, and black piece of construction paper. Along with glue, scissors, a number die, and something to color with. 
Step 2: 2. Take the green piece of construction paper and fold it hamburger style. Cut a leaf out of it.
Step 3: 3. Then take the yellow piece of construction paper, fold it hot dog style,  and cut out an oval.

Step 4: Glue your yellow corn to the black piece of paper. Then glue your leaves on top of it.
 Step 5: 5. Roll the die. Draw the number of dots you get onto the corn. EX: roll the number 3, draw 3 dots.

Step 6: 6. Complete step 5 one more time. 

 Step 7: 7. Make sure to write the equation on the leaves. EX: if you rolled a 3 the first time, and a 5 the next, on your leaves you would write, 3+5=8

Monday, March 31, 2014

Social Networking

1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2551578/Is-Twitter-making-STUPID-Social-networking-sites-making-hard-people-think-themselves.html 2.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-fiorella/cyber-bullying-social-media-and-parental-responsibility_b_4112802.html I believe that social networking is a good thing. I get to keep in touch with my family that I never see, and to be honest just see what's going on in other peoples lives. I love to laugh. It's my favorite thing to do. I use twitter to keep me laughing! I constantly tweet and retweet things nonstop because they're funny! Seeing things that other people say and do can be a confidense booster by realizing you're not the only one that always puts the sugar in after the cheerios. On the other hand, not only do I not tolerate any kind of bullying, I can see how cyberbullying is a problem with social media. Cruel (mostly girls, because girls are viscous creatures) children and even adults get on social media and believe that they rule it. They believe that it doesn't matter what they say because it's "just facebook." But, I don't believe that social media should be blamed for the bullying. The bullying will be there whether it's in class or on facebook because humans are disgusting creatures.

Web 2.0

1. Prezentit: http://www.prezentit.com/ Prezentit is an educational solution to powerpoint. It lets the person make slides however they want. After they make the slides, they are able to share them. This would be good in a classroom because it is easy to use and will be easy for elementary children to use. 2.Format Pixel: http://www.formatpixel.com/go/en/index.php Format pixel is an online publishing tools where you can make magazines, fanzines, brochures, catalogues, portfolios and more.I could use this in my classroom by having the children make a portfolio on different layers of the earth. 3. Biteslide: http://www.biteslide.com/ Biteslide is a child friendly easy way to present. Using Biteslide, the children will research a topic, create their slide, and then present it to the class. 4.Kid Blog: http://kidblog.org/home/ Kid blog is just a classroom version of a blog. The teacher can oversee each of the blogs and can comment back to them as a grade. 5. Dabble Board: http://www.dabbleboard.com/ Dabble Board is an online whiteboard. By adding each student to the group, each person is able to do equations, draw, and put images onto the board for answers. 6. Earth Album: http://www.earthalbum.com/ Earth Album is a way to view the world in pictures. It could be used for educational purposes by locating the pyramids, the Golden gate bridge, or the liberty bell, and being able to see them as if they were in the room. 7. Quizlet: http://quizlet.com/ Quizlet is a webpage that allows the user to make quizzes, flashcards, etc. I would use this in my classroom by posting flashcards of the weekly words onto my classroom page so the parents are able to go through them with the kids. 8. Newseum: http://www.newseum.org/ Newseum is a virtual museum. The classroom can interact with the computer and play along as if they were at a real museum. 9. EHow: http://www.ehow.com/ EHow is a place to learn how to do anything. I could use this in my classroom by having groups of children look up different methods of how to make a plant grow. 10.

Monday, March 17, 2014

All About Deanna Jane :)

My name is Deanna Boothe, but most people just call me DJ. I live in Arkansas and I attend Henderson State University. I plan to get my degree in Elementary Education. I love to roam the woods, play Call of Duty, watch How I Met Your Mother, and sleep. I try to be really funny most of the time, but usually I'm either really cheesy or no one thinks I'm funny! My best friend is in the Navy and my other best friend is attending National Park Community College. I have been dating the same guy since I was in the 9th grade. No, he hasn't proposed yet( believe me, I'm trying!!!) I plan to use this blog to vent about my life even though I know that no one will actually read this!Oh well, here we go!

Major Weirdo, 
signing off.